Crufts Ann Kennedy Wildstar Wedgewood  Drakesleat Von Der Full Lamark Xena Foxearth Fat Chance 
Miniature Club Flo Winchurch Emem Nipper in the Air Drakesleat Surely You Jest  Kanix Audrey Waldmeister Meadow
Dach Club of Wales David Oram Emem Nipper in the Air Verrami Guess What Ridgegrove Tweed Doll Drakesleat Black Marks 
Northern Dachshund Jean Lamb Emem Nipper in the Air  Drakesleat Von Der Full Drakesleat See Voo Play Stargang Lauralee Land of Song
Hound Assoc of Scotland Stuart Milner Drakesleat Surely You Jest   Drakesleat Spaghetti Junct.  Kanix Audrey Drakesleat Apple Source
WELKS Paul Price Stargang Xcaliber at Kanix  Dianamo Magnum Stargang Mystical Finnish Kanix Audrey 
Birmingham National Sue Ergis Rabymere Francs Alot Verrami Guess What  Hilmar Abracadabra at Bronia Kanix Audrey 
Bath Nora Winterbourne Emem Nipper in the Air  Stargang Bolt from the Blue  Stargang Xquisite Waldmeister Meadow
Three Counties Jean Hallett Emem Nipper in the Air  Drakesleat Von Der Full   Kanix Audrey  Waldmeister Meadow
SKC Denise Courtney Dhuaig Designer Stubble at Cotherstone Kevocklea Twelfth Knight  Stargang Mystical Finnish  Scotmariner Kittiwake 
South Wales Kennel Ass Elizabeth Fulton  Verrami Guess What Emem Nipper in the Air  Stargang Blue Freckles  Ridgegrove Gingham Doll
Windsor Tamas Jakel Drakesleat Spaghetti Junct. Dianamo Magnum Dunnspitts Kwite Kute Drakesleat   Bretarah Allegretto
Paignton Sue Emrys-Jones Verrami Guess What Stargang Xcaliber at Kanix  Kanix Audrey Ridgegrove Gingham Doll
Leeds Andrea Callow Stargang Xcaliber at Kanix Verrami Guess What Stargang Xquisite Loretto Finnishing Touch
Hound Show Pat Seymour Emem Nipper in the Air  Verrami Straight Ahead to Bretarah Drakesleat Black Marks Taree Yvette at Weststonelee 
Welsh Kennel Club Ellen Blackburn Kevocklea Twelfth Knight   Janjac Costa Pack It Kanix Audrey  Ridgegrove Gingham Doll
Birmingham City Rachel Barney Emem Nipper in the Air Dianamo Magnum Drakesleat I Rest My Case Rabymere Waldmeister Meadow 
Dachshund Club Helen Caple Wildstar Wedgewood   Emem Nipper in the Air Waldmeister Meadow   Stargang Xquisite
Wire Club Daphne Graham Stargang Xcaliber at Kanix Rabymere Francs Alot Ridgegrove Gingham Doll Stargang Encore
Lancs & Cheshire Dachshund Lovaine Coxon Rabymere Francs Alot  Stargang Mickey Finn Stargang Karaoke Queen Kanix Audrey 
Midland Dachshund Ruth Lockett Walters Rabymere Francs Alot Emem Nipper in the Air  Stargang Karaoke Queen Taree Yvette at Weststonelee 
Midland Counties Jennie Mueller Emem Nipper in the Air Wildstar Wedgewood  Verrami Vera Right Stargang Xquisite
Great Joint Dachs Sue Seath Wildstar Wedgewood  Emem Nipper in the Air Stargang Xquisite Stargang Magical Finnish at Kanix
LKA Jean Voaden Stargang Xcaliber at Kanix  Wildstar Wedgewood  Kanix Audrey  Ridgegrove Gingham Doll 

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