Crufts Derek Smith Drakesleat Fred Bare at Rabymere Pamplona Top Gun at Nordach Brialind Lilly Lace at Waldmeister Dunnspitts Xtra Special Drakesleat
Miniature Club Roy Wood Drakesleat Ris Otto Loretto It's my Bizniz Drakesleat Molly Flour Loretto Make Hey
Dach Club of Wales Yvonne Angear Stargang Teaze & Tickle Loretto It's my Bizniz Shardagang Diamonique Loretto Make Hey
Dachshund Club John Hiddes Brindeckel Ballykay Freckle Face Kind of Blue Kushwin Aphrodite Stargang Magical Finnish at Kanix
WELKS Lovaine Coxon Cancelled Foot & Mouth Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled
Hound Assoc of Scotland Fran Mitchell Cancelled Foot & Mouth Cancelled Cancelled Cancelled
Birmingham National Pat Atkins Stargang Teaze & Tickle Loretto Daniels Dram Shardagang Diamonique Arf n Arf Drakesleat
Bath Margaret Hall Brindeckel Ballykay Lauralee Welshman Shardagang Diamonique Drakesleat Lettuce Pray
SKC Graham Hill Rosara Black Knight at Bothlyn Loretto Daniels Dram Dunnspitts Xtra Special Drakesleat Rabymere Pooh Bare
Three Counties Pam Poulter Pamplona Top Gun at Nordach Brindeckel Ballykay Shardagang Diamonique Arf n Arf Drakesleat
Windsor Helen Caple Pamplona Top Gun at Nordach Drakesleat Russell Sprout Dee Dee with Dunnspitts Drakesleat Lettuce Pray
Paignton Meriel Hitchens Freckle Face Kind of Blue Dacatec Jackoozee Drakesleat Molly Flour Dunnspitts Extra Special Drakesleat
Leeds Val Skinner Rosara Black Knight at Bothlyn Loretto Not to Knight Shardagang Diamonique Dunnspitts Extra Special Drakesleat
Hound Show Paul Price Drakesleat Surely You Jest Freckle Face Kind of Blue Rabymere Pooh Bare Shardagang Diamonique
Welsh Kennel Club Camilla Wootton Pamplona Top Gun at Nordach Drakesleat Russell Sprout Arf n Arf Drakesleat Drakesleat I Rest My Case Rabymere
SWKA Ian Seath Brindeckel Ballykay Pamplona Top Gun at Nordach Rabymere Pooh Bare Stargang Magical Finnish at Kanix
Northern Dachshund Margaret Turner Loretto Not to Knight  Freckle-Face Kind of Blue  Stargang Magical Finnish at Kanix  Drakesleat Parr Slee of Wildstar 
Birmingham City Len Hammond Freckle Face Kind of Blue Drakesleat Russell Sprout Drakesleat Lucy Fer Stargang Magical Finnish at Kanix
Wire Club Jean Hallett Rosara Black Knight at Bothlyn Freckle Face Kind of Blue Rabymere Pooh Bare Rabymere Wina Fred
Lancs & Cheshire Jack Boulger Keep Kool Drakesleat Daisarch Fudge Sundae Stargang Lauralee Land of Song Ridgegrove Denim Doll
Midland Dachshund Viv Phillips Drakesleat Russell Sprout Brindeckel Ballykay Molloney Kiss Me Quick Drakesleat Lucy Fer
Midland Counties Terry Thorn Verrami Guess What Loretto Not to Knight Samlane Ariadne Komombo Misty Day
Great Joint Dachs Lesley Patton Loretto Not to Knight Kevocklea Twelfth Knight Stargang Mystical Finnish Komombo Storm Force
LKA Lesley McNaughton Rosara Black Knight at Bothlyn  Drakesleat Surely you Jest  Drakesleat Lucy Fer  Drakesleat Parr Slee of Wildstar

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